

    台北半日遊- 100%野溪溫泉 New Taipei City - Let's Explore WILD Hot Springs!

    行程特色(Trip Highlights): 
    -> 讓妳實現跟MV主角一樣泡牛奶浴的夢幻情境  
     Guaranteed 100% wild hot springs and no doubt, it's a great place to take photos and enjoy nature things.
    -> 離台北約1小時車程, 適合當天來回
     It takes about 50~60 mins driving from Shihlin district in Taipei. 
    -> 走15~20分鐘可到泡湯處, 路程難易度:  ⭐⭐ 兩顆星
     15~20 mins walking through the rock path. I will rank 2 star (easy) for the track. 
    ->美食時間 - 金山鴨肉、川味牛肉麵
     Jinshan is famous for its old street and the duck meat dishes  plus some yummy desserts.
    -> 距觀光地野柳30分鐘車程, 可延伸成一日遊或多日遊景點
     30 mins driving to tourist spot Yehliu. It can be an afternoon activity or develop into multi-day trip.



    台北半日遊- [這一刻 愛吧! ]拍攝景點 x 內湖夜景 x 美食特搜 Taipei trip - Secret film scene x Neihu nightscape x FOOD!!!

    (照片截自youtobe-2014 這一刻 愛吧! photo from youtobe-2014 Dive in)

    行程特色(Trip Highlight): 
    ->林依晨跟大仁哥, 2014微電影拍攝景點 
    Secret film scene- 
    The spots where Ariel Lin & Bo-Lin Chen shooting 2014 DIVE IN movie.
    Only 30~40 min far away from Taipei (by car)
    • ->晚上去品嘗口袋美食名單, 挑戰你的味蕾!
    • Delicious food on my secret list - 
    • Some innovative food might impressive you.
     ->行程彈性, 可搭配附近景點ex五指山喝咖啡、坐美麗華摩天輪看台北夜景、大湖公園散步/夜拍...
    The plan is flexible if you want to go other spots. Ex.Drinking coffee at Wuzhi mountain OR ride observation wheel OR Dahu park for night shooting...


